I believe in continually over-delivering in value. My work is bright, strong, interesting, and emotionally evoking. I dive deep into researching the subject matter so that I can deeply understand it on an emotional level. I see graphic design as simply emotion expressed through imagery.
I then meditate on ideas and imagery that represent the subject matter or appeal to a specific "call to action".
What do I want my work to convey, why, and how do I want people to feel when they see it? For what purpose, I ask?
 Once I start to get some answers I then just let the images and ideas flow to and through me. I employ a process of elimination after diving deep into the content and subject of my artwork. I narrow the designs down through a "steeping" process which consists of many pieces and ideas, down to 2 or 3 more refined designs. I take those and work with them in an intuitive way to best reflect the subject matter graphically while challenging myself to aim past previous creations and create even more barrier-pushing work than what I've previously accomplished.
Thank you!